

THIXAR Case Damping System Eliminator

The Elimi­nator is designed to address another source of vibra­tions that mar music liste­ning pleasure. Its raison d’être is to ease the compo­nent casing itself.

Audiophile THIXAR hifi accessories – The Fundamentals of Sound.

Silent Feet

THIXAR Silent Feet

No matter how high the quality of your audiophile equipment: if it is fitted with really well-conceived feet, this will enhance your sound with a much greater amount of peace and harmony. Thus considerably enhancing your enjoyment as a listener. That is why the process of creating a new design for our Silent Feet range of feet for equipment focussed on achieving just the right balance of decoupling and damping.


THIXAR Spike-Set

This shapely Spikeset is used for a stable and balanced setup. The chrome surface is polished by hand to meet highest requirements. To preserve sensitive surfaces below, a protective pad is included.